Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Morganna the "Mystickal" Mascot!

This pretty little lady is Morganna, the "Mystickal Tymes" mascot. Mystickal Tymes is a Wiccan/Pagan supply shoppe located in New Hope, PA. My husband and I have been taking yearly trips there since about 1996. The fabulously quaint shoppes at New Hope are mostly all non-commerical and very unique. So unique that you would be hard-pressed to find any items locally which you can buy there.

Morganna is 16 years old and spends most of her time at the store with her owner and the proprietor of Mystickal Tymes, Eric Lee. He said that she is quite at home there and never wonders outside the store. As Eric explains it, "She HATES it out there!" (can't say I blame her very much as New Hope is always a fairly busy place, with cars and horse and buggy carriages heading up and down the main strip throughout the entire day).

The shoppes at New Hope have just about everything you could possibly think of ~ beautiful clothing stores, great places to buy books of all kinds, excellent food (both fine dining and casual), awesome pet supply stores, whatever your looking for! Although my favorite shoppe is undeniably Mystickal Tymes with their huge variety of candles, incense, oils, statues, musical instruments and so on. And, it is always great to see Morganna greeting everyone as they walk in the store!

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