Friday, October 30, 2015

Odds 'n' Ends ...

Well, yesterday was "National Cat Day" here in the States. So, here is (albeit a day late) to the celebration of cats everywhere!!!

Speaking of cats, just a little update on our little Kiki since our vet, Dr. Heather, gave us her new meds. For the past month she has been getting her medications twice a day and has been doing rather well. Her sneezing fits have pretty much ceased. As of today, we are to cut back on her prednisone from two dosages per day to just one. If that works, then we will gradually continue to wean her off of that medication all together. We are keeping our fingers crossed! ...

The Wheel of the Year has turned and tomorrow is Samhain to us Wiccan/Pagans and Halloween to pretty much the rest of Americans. I am planning on celebrating with my sister and twin soul, Rhiannon all day Saturday. We have some special things planned for this year's ritual and I am very excited. Although, this will be my first Samhain celebration/ritual since my beloved dad's passing this past February and, for me at least, it will be a bit of a tough one, but with the love and support of my family and friends I know it will be okay.

And so, my dear friends, I wish each and every one of you a very blessed holiday filled with lots of love and many wonderful surprises!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post, Kim...I did not know this, but I do now :)

    Happy Halloween, dear Kim~
