Saturday, January 14, 2012

A funny little story ...

If any of you have been following my other blog, "The Wiccan Life," you know that my hubby and I are attempting to rescue a little black stray kitty who has been hanging around our yard and whom we have been feeding on a nightly basis for about three weeks now.

We decided to try to catch him with our Have-A-Heart trap in order to bring him (or her for that matter) in out of the bone-chilling winter weather and, Goddess-willing, give him a really good home.

Last night my hubby cracked the garage door open a tad so that he could set up the trap and feed the cat. From our garage door window in the kitchen, he saw something which looked very much (from our angle atleast) like the tail and butt of a black cat. So he runs over to me, tells me to look (and this DID look like the tail-end of a cat, mind you) and for the next twenty minutes or so, we  sat around trying to decide whether we should try to approach him without scaring him away as he "seemed" to be just standing behind the garage door not moving and trying to get out of the cold wind.

I finally decided to quietly open the inside kitchen door and it was then that I realized that what we were seeing was not a cat at all ~ it was actually a black snow shovel which was standing upright along the wall!  Duh, right? LOL!!!!

Anyway, no kitty as of this morning, so we will patiently wait in hopes of catching this fella!!!


  1. LOL!!! What a wonderful story!!! You remind me so much of my daughter. Her, our grandson who will be 14 this year, and our daughter's boyfriend have taken in two stray cats this winter already, and they are feeding a third cat that hangs around their home. We all live in Minnesota, and we get cold here :) My daughter loves all animals, but especially dogs, and cats. They also have a small dog.
    I hope that you, and your hubby are successful in your rescue~~~

    1. Great to meet you, Jan! Sounds like your daughter and I certainly do have much in common. I, too, love animals as does my entrire family. Both my brother and I were raised around dogs and cats.

      Blessings to you and yours,


  2. Kim, I am laughing my head off! LOL! This is such a cute story! You and your hubby are adorable! I hope you get the cat soon ;o)
    I have a question for you, do you take your blogs off, so that people can't see them? Sometimes, I don't have the time to comment, so I come back, but when I do, your blogs have disappeared???
    Big Hugs and Blessings my friend ;o)

    1. Magic Love Crow~ Do you mean do I take my posts off of my blogs at any time? No, I don't usually do that. In fact, the only time I had actually deleted a post is if I accidently posted instead of saving it as a draft for later because I wasn't finished with it or something like that. Do you think that is what happened perhaps, my friend?

      Blessings, my sister !


    2. Oh Stacy, I think I know what you might be talking about with the comments. I have the same issue when I try to comment sometimes lately on your blog, too (and a couple of other blogs as well for some strange reason)? I click on the comment section and it pops up for just a second and then disappears and I get a white screen. It only seems to have been a problem since Blogger made their changes and I am wondering if it is something on their end? I haven't changed anything at all.

      Hmmm, makes me wonder, too!



  3. Hi Kim ;o) Actually, both your blogs seem to disappear? I don't know why? Even off my lists that I follow, you are gone, and then the next day, you are back ??? I try to keep up on your blogs, because I truly love them, but if I miss some posts, sorry!
    I am sorry about my blog, I think you are still going to have problems. I don't know what to do!!!
    Blessings my friend, Stacy

    1. Stacy ~ I totally understand, really I do. I really do love your blog as well, and whenever I have that issue, I just keep trying a day later. I wish I could help you with this, but unfortunately, I am probably about as computer illiterate as it gets ~ LOL!

      I want to thank you so much for your patience!

      Hugs to you,


  4. Hey Kim ;o) Thanks my friend ;o) I am computer illiterate too! LOL! I am happy you can comment ;o) Hugs ;o)
